Membership Levels

DoC supporter membership is open to anyone. A person might have a personal interest in seeing justice again in this country. Or it might be a person with a vested interest in getting the propaganda against pain management stopped. It might be people on disability from untreated pain. That is why the cost is minimal. But everyone has an interest in stopping government overreach into medicine. As once said, absolute power corrupts absolutely. And we are seeing that in grand scale today in our government. It is critical that every person in the country understand that they are at risk for loss of quality of life. A slip and fall is all it takes. It is important that the knowledge offered in this group of professionals and supporters be spread across the nation. Please be a part and do your part.
Ambassador membership is for medical professionals who have been attacked, or their immediate family members (spouse, children, etc). There is no charge for membership, but there is lots offered for the ambassador to gain from. It could mean the difference between life and ruination. There is also a responsibility here, because if you don’t get on board, more professionals will be attacked in the future.
Professional membership is open to any professional involved in any manner with pain management, medical care, or other threatened profession. That includes physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, office staff, pharmaceutical company employees, or any other involved profession. It is critical that every professional in the country understand that they are at risk for attack. We, as professionals, work under the cloak of ignorance knowing that we are practicing under the law, but not realizing that law no longer matters.
DoC Supporter
- automatically recurring
Doc Supporter Annual
- automatically recurring
Those professionals attacked or their immediate family- no charge–you’ve paid enough
Professional Annual
- automatically recurring
- automatically recurring
Features of the DoC Supporters Membership
- Membership to
- Access to an ever-evolving video tutorial library that is always being updated.
- Access to a group forum to help you connect with other supporters and professionals fast.
- A community of like-minded people working together and growing in numbers.
- Webinars
- Monthly live Webinars with experts (plus access to the recordings of every Webinar)
- Monthly live Q & A sessions (plus access to the recordings)
- Resources
- A resources tab packed with the latest news.
- A resources tab of the latest media reports on related subjects.
- A list of activities occuring in the country.
- Lists of your legislators and their health issues staff
- Example communications for your to copy, adjust to your own story, and share with others.
- Information for you to share with your own physicians.
- And more as the needs are determined
Features of the DoC Ambassadors Membership
- A Lifetime Membership to
- Access to an ever-evolving video tutorial library that is always being updated.
- Access to a group forum to help you connect with other professionals fast
- A community of like-minded professionals and families working together and growing in numbers.
- Webinars
- Monthly live Webinars with experts (plus access to the recordings of every Webinar)
- Monthly live Q & A sessions (plus access to the recordings)
- Resources
- A resources tab packed with recommendations, many including exclusive offers for assistance.
- A resources tab of the latest media reports on related subjects.
- Free defense assistance—amicus curiae, expert witnessing, discovery evaluation, etc.
- Press Releases as appropriate
- And more as the needs are determined
Features of the DoC Professionals Membership
- Membership to
- Access to an ever-evolving video tutorial library that is always being updated.
- Access to a group forum to help you connect with other professionals fast.
- A community of like-minded professionals working together and growing in numbers.
- Webinars
- Monthly live Webinars with experts (plus access to the recordings of every Webinar)
- Monthly live Q & A sessions (plus access to the recordings)
- Resources
- A resources tab packed with recommendations, many including exclusive offers for assistance.
- A resources tab of the latest media reports on related subjects.
- Free defense assistance if you are attacked—amicus curiae, expert witnessing, discovery evaluation, etc. if you join now
- And more as the needs are determined